Searchlicious - where search meet delicious - improving search quality

Looking back in the internet history, during the altavista peak, yahoo was one the most trusted sources of search that hold them back also, for any submited url you will have a human adding some metadata and promoting the interesting ones to the top. However with the fast grow of internet that became unmanageable. Along came Google with their fancy algorithms, they also had a problem for each, new algorithm, people were find ways to shortcut it. To increase the confiability in the search results it is proved that human can do a good job, also shortcut most of the algorithms. Several search engines try to create comunities around their search tool to improve the results quality, you could even get paid for it. However the community attraction for it was not there. One of the solutions could be use the social bookmarks to weight the search results. Most of people bookmark items that they like, or they want to share with their peers. There are several social-bookmarks/multiuse-tools where users can weight in and it is being heavily used like: Delicious, Google Bookmarks, Google Reader, Stumble upon, etc. Why not combine the search results with the social bookmarks? The open APIs from Yahoo and Google could facilitate this process, in a cascading process:
  1. Send the search query to a search engine
  2. Get the results and send to a social bookmark to collect the bookmarks
  3. Order the results by the number of bookmars
This Yahoo Pipe is a example of this theory

outlook 2007 - personal folders - this information service has not been configured

Some time ago I had a strange problem, my outlook didn't stop creating folders. And was giving this error "personal folders" "this information service has not been configured" tons of times. My solution was to reset the outlook profile. To do that I rename the registry in: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows Messaging Subsystem\Profiles\Outlook to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows Messaging Subsystem\Profiles\Outlook2 During the restart it asked to join to exchange and I had to map the PSTs again, but that was minor comparing to what happened. This is the second day, and it didn't happen again, keep your fingers crossed.

delicious the movie


I really like how they present the new delicious interface