FCKeditor, JQuery, PHP and MySQL

This is a quick dirty tutorial in how to integrate FCKeditor, JQuery and PHP, I'm leaving MySQL outside because it will be simple to implement and I would like to keep the tutorial simple as possible. For this tutorial you will need to have PHP-Json installed, FCKeditor and JQuery.

At the time the document load you will need to create a FCKeditor API instance and store in a global variable oEditor
// global variable for FCKeditor API
var oEditor;

$(window).load(function () {
  oEditor = FCKeditorAPI.GetInstance('FCKeditor1') ;
This javascript function will be responsible to query the PHP "text_load.php", and oEditor.SetHTML will store the text receive via jason into the FCKeditor
function text_load(){
To save the text you should call this function, the oEditor.GetXHTML will retrieve the text in the FCKeditor and store in the variable text.
function text_save(){
var text = oEditor.GetXHTML();
$.getJSON("text_save.php?text="+ text,
The HTML code is very simple, the Load href will trigger the text_load function and load the text into the FCKeditor. The Save href will trigger the text_save() that will be responsible to send the text to the php page to save.


Here is the load and save page in PHP that will interact with the Ajax/Json javascript. The trick is use urldecode and urlencode to load and save from the database. This is the text_load.php to load the text and send to the javascript
$output = array();

mysql code

// the rows will be stored
// in the $row[] variable

$output['text']= urldecode($row['text']);
echo json_encode($output);

This is the text_save.php to get the text from javascript and save in the mysql table. The text from FCKeditor will be stored in $text.
// get the query string
$text = urlencode($_REQUEST["text"]);

mysql code

1 comments :: FCKeditor, JQuery, PHP and MySQL

  1. thanks for the article, very useful.